Healthy Homes Webinars
Lead Poisoning Prevention in Indian Country
This is a 1-hour virtual training to educate the environmental public health workforce on lead exposure hazards and population health risks and disparities in Indian Country.
Protecting Homes During Extreme Weather - High Wind Weather Events
Along with the National Center for Healthy Housing (NCHH), we presented our first webinar in a 3-part series about protecting homes and health during extreme weather events. Housing will need to play a central role in our response to a changing climate, both in terms of mitigation (e.g., energy-efficient homes that reduce emissions), and also adaptation so that people can be safe before, during, and after extreme weather events like extreme heat, extreme cold, hurricanes, flooding, and wildfires, which are increasing in frequency and intensity.
This first webinar was moderated by Dr. Natasha DeJarnett, Assistant Professor of Environmental Medicine at the Christina Lee Brown Envirome Institute of the University of Louisville, and featured presenters from the National Low Income Housing Coalition and Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies. Presenters discussed high wind events (including hurricanes and their subsequent flooding) and their impact on homes. Topics of discussion included how local, state, and national organizations are working to ensure disaster survivors including households with low incomes, people experiencing homelessness, people with disabilities, and other marginalized communities have the resources they need to fully recover. We also explored the disproportionate risk of hurricanes and coastal flooding events on rental units and the impact of natural disasters on renters' concerns about their health and safety.
Protecting Homes During Extreme Weather - Thermal Control
Along with the National Center for Healthy Housing (NCHH), we presented our second webinar in a 3-part series about protecting homes and health during extreme weather events.
This webinar discusses extreme heat and extreme cold and their impact on homes and health. Dr. Natasha DeJarnett, Assistant Professor of Environmental Medicine at the Christina Lee Brown Envirome Institute of the University of Louisville, serves as moderator and also discussed how extreme heat is linked to increased cardiovascular disease risk. Mindy O'Neall, Executive Director of the Cold Climate Housing Research Center, discusses the work being done in Alaska to protect the home environment through energy-efficient and healthy building technologies. This webinar explores how climate change is linked to health inequities and exacerbates existing disparities for safe, healthy, and affordable housing.
Protecting Homes during Extreme Weather - Impact of Climate Change
Along with the National Center for Healthy Housing (NCHH), we presented our final webinar in a 3-part series about protecting homes and health during extreme weather events.
This webinar discussed why housing should be a key part of any effort around community climate preparedness and adaptation, with a focus on needs and opportunities for various sectors (including local government, public and private housing providers and developers, energy, and public health) to engage in this work. Dr. Natasha DeJarnett, Assistant Professor of Environmental Medicine at the Christina Lee Brown Envirome Institute of the University of Louisville, served as moderator in a panel discussion with representatives from these sectors. Developed resources were presented to empower stakeholders in protecting homes in all communities.
This webinar series was made possible and is funded through a cooperative agreement between the CDC and NEHA.