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  • Building Capacity: Embracing a Unified Brand Builds Capacity for Health Departments

Building Capacity: Embracing a Unified Brand Builds Capacity for Health Departments

The use of letter grades, colored placards, or a numbered score is seen across the country to convey to restaurant patrons information on how safe and clean a restaurant is (i.e., the findings of the local health department's inspection of the facility). This column goes beyond exploring this practice or its efficacy—it explores how local health departments go about developing such programs and if unnecessary staff and resources are being consumed by such projects. The column poses an interesting question on the creation of a unified brand to support capacity and calls upon the environmental health leadership to develop and present a standard by which a local health department can quickly and efficiently launch a grading or placarding program.

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  • Darryl Booth, MBA
Volume#: 78.2
Page #: 34-35
Publication Month: September 2015

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