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Reframing Climate Change for Environmental Health


Repeated warnings by the scientific community on the dire consequences of climate change through global warming to the ecology and sustenance of our planet have not been give appropriate attention by the U.S. public. Research has shown that climate change is responsible for catastrophic weather occurrences--such as floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, and heat waves--resulting in environmental and public health issues. The purpose of this report is to examine factors influencing public views on climate change. Theoretical and political perspectives are examined to unpack opinions held by the public in the U.S. on climate change. The Health Belief Model is used as an example to showcase the efficacy of an individual behavior change program in providing the synergy to understand climate change at the microlevel. The concept of reframing is discussed as a strategy to alter how the public views climate change.


  • Caitlin Weems, MS, Department of Health Promotion and Physical Education, Ithaca College
  • Prithwi Raj Subramaniam, PhD, Department of Health Promotion and Physical Education, Ithaca College
Volume#: 79.8
Page #: 24-27
Publication Month: April 2017

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