March 2019
Journal of Environmental Health
Volume 81, Number 7
About the Cover
In a review of Legionnaires’ disease outbreaks reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) from 2000–2014, 85% of outbreaks were caused by problems that effective water management could have prevented. In this issue’s cover article, “Legionnaires’ Disease at a Hotel in Missouri, 2015: The Importance of Environmental Health Expertise in Understanding Water Systems,” CDC assisted state and local health departments to identify possible sources and transmission factors and to recommend improvements to water management during a Legionnaires’ disease outbreak at a hotel. The article highlights the importance of environmental health professionals in helping to prevent Legionnaires’ disease.
Table of Contents
Advancement of the Science
- Legionnaires' Disease at a Hotel in Missouri, 2015: The Importance of Environmental Health Expertise in Understanding Water Systems
- Exposure to Computer Work and Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Symptoms Among University Employees: A Cross-Sectional Study
- Worksite Built Environment and Objectively Measured Physical Activity While at Work: An Analysis Using Perceived and Objective Walkability and Greenness
- Reduction in the Lead Content of Candy and Purses in California Following Successful Litigation
Advancement of the Practice
- Direct From AEHAP: Mentoring? What Is Your Role?
- Accredited Environmental Health Science and Protection Programs
- Direct From CDC/EHS: Tick Talk: Keeping Environmental Health Up With Current Trends
Advancement of the Practitioner
- EH Calendar
- JEH Quiz #5
- Resource Corner
- In Memoriam
Your Association
- President's Message: Show Me the Data
- NEHA Organizational Members
- Special Listing
- NEHA 2019 AEC
- NEHA Second Vice-Presidential Candidate Profiles
- NEHA Regional Vice-Presidential Candidate Profiles
- NEHA News
- DirecTalk: Musings From the 10th Floor: Every Child Deserves a Head Start
Advertisers Index
- Accela
- American Public Health Association
- Custom Data Processing
- HealthSpace USA Inc
- Hoot Systems, LLC
- IDEA EH Program
- Industrial Test Systems, Inc.
- Ozark River Portable Sinks
- Private Well Class
- QuanTem Laboratories, LLC
- Sweeps Software, Inc.