REHS/RS Credential Exam Content & Scores
The REHS/RS exam consists of two parts with a total of 225 multiple choice questions.
- Part 1 asks 113 questions
- Part 2 asks 112 questions
- Candidates have three hours and 40 minutes to complete the entire exam or one hour and 50 minutes for each part with a 10 minute break in between
- Of the 225 questions, 200 will be scored
- 25 questions will be unscored, pilot questions. Those items will not be called out within the exam.
REHS/RS Exam Content
REHS/RS Exam Scores
The NEHA REHS/RS exam reports scores ranging from 0 to 900 with a scaled passing score of 650.- Scores are based on the number of questions answered correctly.
- Exam results are mailed to the candidate within four to six weeks after the exam.
- Those who pass the exam will receive a certificate, wallet card, and continuing education information,
- Those who fail the exam will receive a score letter and a retake application. Candidates must wait at least 90 days from the initial test date before retaking the exam.
- To retake the exam, submit the Retake Application and pay the Exam Fee and Computer Test Fee, if taking the exam at a Pearson VUE's testing location.
- The application and transcripts do not need to be submitted again.
- The exam can be taken as many times as needed but candidates must wait at least 90 days before retaking the exam.
About Exam Scores
- The raw passing score is mathematically transformed so that the passing scaled score equals 650. The scaling process is similar to the adjustment for Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature scales. While the values may differ, the temperatures are the same (e.g., water boils at the same temperature regardless of the scale used).
- A scaled score is not a percentage score but a transformation of a raw score. Scaling is done to report comparable results when forms and raw passing scores vary over time.
Learn More
- REHS/RS Credential Overview
- REHS/RS Eligibility & Application
- Credentialing Handbook | PDF
- Study References