October 2015
Journal of Environmental Health
Volume 78, No. 3
About the Cover
In this issue, two of our feature articles describe studies that investigated arsenic ingestion in the context of consumption patterns. “Arsenic Consumption in the United States” examines the risk of arsenic exposure in consumers of food and drink items such as juice, rice, milk, broth, and infant formula. Although now prohibited, arsenic has a long history in pesticide use and persists in many previously treated soils. In “Arsenic Content in American Wine,” the author examined arsenic levels in wine samples from the top four wine-producing states. The results show that all samples exceeded the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s exposure limit for drinking water of 10 ppb. The presence of arsenic in U.S. wine is a health risk to regular consumers of wine.
Table of Contents
Advancement of the Science
- Arsenic Consumption in the United States
- Arsenic Content in American Wine
- Presence of Pathogenic Bacteria and Viruses in the Daycare Environment
Advancement of the Practice
- Direct From CDC/EHSB: EHSB's Free Resources for Environmental Health Practitioners
- Direct From CDC/EPHTN: Together at Last: Exploring Health and Environmental Information on the National Environmental Health Tracking Network
Advancement of the Practitioner
- Career Opportunities
- EH Calendar
- Resource Corner
- JEH Quiz #2
Your Association
- President's Message: We Haven't Told Our Story
- Special NEHA Members
- Special Listing
- NEHA 2016 AEC
- NEHA 2015 AEC Wrap-Up
- DirecTalk: Musings From the 10th Floor: Of Similes, Metaphors, and Intimacy
Advertisers Index
- Accela
- American Public University
- Anua
- Digital Health Department, Inc.
- Hedgerow Software Ltd.
- Industrial Test Systems, Inc.
- ITW Pro Brands
- Mitchell Humphrey & Co.
- NSF International
- Ozark River/Integrity Distribution
- Presby Environmental, Inc.
- QuanTem Laboratories, LLC
- Sweeps Software, Inc.
- Underwriters Laboratories
- University of Illinois at Springfield