Informatics & Health Tracking Resources
Childhood Lead Poisoning
Resources for Local Health Departments
CDC National Environment Public Health Tracking provides information on how your local health department can utilize the Tracking Network to address your community's health issues.
CDC's National Tracking Network Communication Tools is a one-stop source for communication materials and social media tools. You can use the materials and tools to learn about tracking, inform others, and stay up-to-date with tracking news.
EPA's Envirofacts includes the complete 2021 Toxics Release Inventory dataset where you can find the data needed about air, land, water, waste, brownfields, radiation, and other environmental health topics.
Use EPA's Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) data to search for facilities in your community to analyze trends in compliance and enforcement when it comes to environmental regulations.
Tracking in Action Videos
Tracking Podcasts
Communications Toolkit
Reframing Public Health Informatics: A Communications Toolkit includes contextual resources on the field of public health informatics, communications resources discussing how to talk about public health informatics to an external audience, and sample communications of how principles in the toolkit can be put into action.