December 2022
Journal of Environmental Health
Volume 85, Number 5
About the Cover
Shortcomings in traditional methods to understanding sources of bacterial contamination in water bodies limit the ability of public health officials to adequately protect public health and mitigate pollution sources. This issue’s cover article, “Microbial Source Tracking in the Sasco Brook, Lower Farm River, and Goodwives River Watersheds of Long Island Sound,” used polymerase chain reaction (PCR) as a tool for microbial source tracking to attempt to identify host species contributing bacteria to three watersheds that flow into Long Island Sound. While the study had limitations and further research is needed, DNA analysis can be an effective public health tool toward bacterial source identification that can aid in determining if source bacteria are a potential threat to public health and to guide remediation efforts.
Table of Contents
Advancement of the Science
- Microbial Source Tracking in the Sasco Brook, Lower Farm River, and Goodwives River Watersheds of Long Island Sound
- Biological Factors That Impact Variability of Lead Absorption and Blood Lead Level Estimation in Children: Implications for Child Blood Lead Level Testing Practices
- Brownfields in Romania and the United States: A Visual Tour
Advancement of the Practice
- Direct From AAS: The Ethics of Professionalism in Environmental Health
- Direct From CDC/Environmental Health Services: Using Effective Communication Strategies to Help Teens Manage Stress After Natural Disasters
- Direct From U.S. EPA/Office of Research and Development: Science and Science-Based Tolls to Address Persistent Hazardous Exposures to Lead
Advancement of the Practitioner
- Environmental Health Calendar
- Resource Corner
- JEH Quiz #3
Your Association
- President’s Message: The Happiest Profession on Earth
- Special Listing
- A Tribute to 2022 JEH Peer Reviewers
- In Memoriam
- NEHA News
- NEHA 2023 AEC
- DirecTalk: Manasota Beach
Advertisers Index
- American Public Health Association (APHA)
- EMSL Analytical, Inc.
- HS GovTech (Formerly HealthSpace)
- Inspect2GO Environmental Health Software
- NEHA-FDA Retail Flexible Funding Model Grant Program
- Ozark River Manufacturing Co.
- Private Well Class