December 2023
Journal of Environmental Health
Volume 86, Number 5
About the Cover
Alaska, with its unique geographical and ecological characteristics, is experiencing the detrimental effects of climate change at an alarming rate. The Alaska Native (AN) population—deeply connected to the land and its resources—faces disproportionate vulnerability to these impacts. This issue’s cover story, “Impact of Climate Change on Alaska Natives,” highlights the need for environmental public health professionals to engage with AN and Native American communities to address health inequities and to support mitigation and adaptation efforts to tackle the environmental public health threats and consequences of climate change.
Table of Contents
Advancement of the Science
- A Framework for Assessing Exposures to Multiple Hazards and Implications for Prioritizing Risks to Human Health, Safety, and The Environment
- Identifying Workforce Education, Training, and Outreach Needs in Decentralized Wastewater and Distributed Water Reuse
- Profiling Metal-Induced Genotoxic Endpoints
Advancement of the Practice
- Impact of Climate Change on Alaska Natives
- Direct From AAS: The Path of the Environmental Health Professional: If You Can Dream It, We Can Build It!
- Direct From CDC/Environmental Health Services: Promoting Health Literacy With Empathetic and Inclusive Communication
- Direct From U.S. EPA/Office of Research and Development: Elevating the Importance of Environmental Public Health and Partnership With Healthcare Professionals
Advancement of the Practitioner
- Environmental Health Calendar
- Resource Corner
- JEH Quiz #3
Your Association
- President's Message: Environmental Health Is Hyperlocal—The Many Flavors of Environmental Public Health
- Special Listing
- NEHA News
- NEHA 2024 AEC
- NEHA Member Spotlight
Advertisers Index
- Hedgerow Software
- HS GovTech
- Industrial Test Systems, Inc.
- National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association (NOWRA)
- NEHA-FDA Retail Flexible Funding Model Grant Program