April 2019
Journal of Environmental Health
Volume 81, Number 8
About the Cover
Proper hand washing practices in food service establishments are important for the adequate reduction of microorganisms on hands and to reduce the risk of foodborne illness outbreaks. This issue’s cover article, “Does a Water Flow Timer Improve Food Handler Hand Washing Practices in Food Service Establishments? The Effects of Passive and Indirect Interventions,” employed passive and indirect interventions to examine whether the use of a water flow timer and an informational poster could influence food handler hand washing practices. While the use of a water flow timer increased the duration of hand washing, the findings suggest that a combination of passive and indirect interventions with more active and direct interventions might lead to a greater degree of hand washing compliance.
Table of Contents
Advancement of the Science
- Does a Water Flow Timer Improve Food Handler Hand Washing Practices in Food Service Establishments? The Effects of Passive and Indirect Interventions
- Crossing the Line: Human Disease and Climate Change Across Borders
Advancement of the Practice
- Facilitators and Barriers to Conducting Environmental Assessments for Food Establishment Outbreaks, National Environmental Assessment Reporting System, 2014–2016
- Building Capacity: Building Capacity to Leverage Reports
- Direct From ATSDR: The Shower and Household Water-Use Exposure Model: A Model to Evaluate Residential Exposure to Chemicals Volatilizing From Indoor Water Use
- Direct From CDC/EHS: Exposure to Contaminants Among Private Well Users in North Carolina: Enhancing the Role of Public Health
- Measuring National Environmental Health Association Member Attitudes, Awareness, and Behaviors on Climate Change: Results From Three Consecutive Annual Surveys
Advancement of the Practitioner
- Career Opportunities
- EH Calendar
- Resource Corner
Your Association
- President's Message: Antimicrobial Resistance
- NEHA Organizational Members
- Special Listing
- NEHA 2019 AEC
- NEHA News
- DirecTalk: Musings From the 10th Floor: NEHA 2.0
Advertisers Index
- HealthSpace USA Inc
- John Hopkins School of Public Health
- Ozark River Portable Sinks
- Paper Thermometer Co.
- Sweeps Software, Inc.
- Vector Control Tools & Resources (VeCToR)